Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1744.11.12

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Index Entry Lyric, topical [beg] Shall Wesley's sons, o'er rule all human kind 
Location Charleston 
12 Nov 1744:22 (555)
Mr. Timothy,  Seeing the name of Mr Habersham, manager to
the noble Orphan House in Georgia, in one of your late
Gazettes, induced me to send you the following lines, wrote
when the Whitefieldian Farce was at its height in Charles-
town.  Your inserting them in your next will oblige [signed]
your friend, &c.
   Shall Wesley's sons, o'er rule all human kind, 
   Censure the church, and paint her leaders blind?
   With strong presumption, settl'd into hate, 
   Sow dire confusion, through each quiet state?
   . . . [4 lines]
   Than famous W---d fond to gain applause;
   Whose tuneful Orphans suit the gilded scheme, 
   Seated at G---a, in a silken dream;
   With the bright boy, that picks the English pease, 
   And the darling girl, who sings and sews with ease.
      Now, who so dull or void of common sense, 
   But know, these Orphans are his best defence?
   By them he travels over sea and land, 
   Wins simple hearts and does each purse command;
   Sermons and prayers, by their influence flow, 
   And shining Journals make a Raree-shew.
   . . . [17 more lines]

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1744.11.12 
Publisher Timothy, Peter 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1744 
Bibliography B0046150
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